Testimonials for Kate Minogue
“I have exciting riding news. Had my first lesson with my coach since we started and she was blown away by the change in such a short time.”
“Just to say how much I appreciate how you work ..... Thank you for your clarity, pace and gentleness.”
“Thank you Kate, I’ve enjoyed the course and it’s made a positive difference to my body.”
“Kate helped me enormously in becoming a lot more conscious of the way I inhabit and move my body, during and beyond a period of extreme back pain from an injury. She has a sensitive and calm way of transmitting the core principles of Alexander Technique which I continue to use on a daily basis in the form of simple, subtle but effective exercises and which have been a crucial part of my recovery. I highly recommend both her and this approach if you are dealing both with long-term back pain but also just everyday stress held within the body which you want to self-manage. ”
“The visits were well worth the money. Just learning to relax the body was a gift. Kate was an amazing teacher who imparted her knowledge with calmness, helpfulness and a strong wish that what she was teaching would be of benefit and it certainly was. I can recommend Kate and this technique for quite a few ailments but certainly for a sore back and stiff legs it was an eye opener, learning what I had been doing wrong for years which had affected my body.”
“I had a series of lessons with Kate whilst singing at Glyndebourne Opera. Kate has a very calm, organised and intelligent approach to her work and a lot of knowledge to share. Throughout my sessions I was able, with Kate’s guidance, to address some of my holding patterns. I particularly loved the brilliant exercises Kate showed me, that I am now able to do anytime I need to loosen things up and get back into alignment.”
“I definitely enjoyed the lessons, and felt I made good progress.
Booking a number of lessons was worthwhile as each lesson seemed to have a new focus and built on the one before. Your emails were also very useful, as I can go back into them and reflect.
Your table is an excellent one, and the step very solid. When you identified the tight muscles, it was much easier to let them relax, though I am still mystified as to how this happens. Sitting typing this, I am constantly stopping and freeing up everything.”
“I had struggled with back pain and neck and shoulder tension for decades. I tried various osteopaths, yoga, massage approaches, but they did little to address my problems in the long-term. I was left feeling rather hopeless about my prospects of changing this until I had lessons with Kate on the Alexander Technique. These lessons have enabled me to recognise how I was holding and moving my body in ways that were causing tension and strain. Her keen awareness of my patterns was extremely useful in enabling me to transform them in an easy way, with minimal effort. While I still have some ways to go, I can say that I probably feel about 75% less tension and pain in my back, neck and shoulders. My sitting, walking, running, cycling, gardening and even my time in the kitchen are characterised by much greater ease and efficiency. I couldn’t recommend the lessons enough.”
“It is a lifestyle now for me. I feel younger, more loosened up in my body. My joints feel springy even though my hip operation was only five months ago. I feel free, happy and joyful.”
“Kate was recommended to me by a client of my Pilates teacher when I was struggling to deal with excess tension in my neck and shoulders. I thought that learning the Alexander Technique might help and I went to Kate for a taster lesson. She convinced me quickly that using the Alexander Technique in my day to day life would improve my posture and teach me how to avoid unconsciously tensing my muscles, whether I am standing, sitting, driving or walking, and whether busy or in repose. A course of six lessons taught me techniques to cope with normal daily life in a way which has led to much better posture and a great deal less tension throughout my body. I am a real convert to the Alexander Technique, thanks to Kate.”
“I have enjoyed learning the Alexander technique with you, Kate.
Many exercises I have found particularly useful such as the bubbles and breathing techniques. Thank you!”
“Kate’s patient methodical approach introduced ideas and practice that seemed so obvious once understood but so different to what I was expecting. By degrees it’s becoming intuitive. I’m so pleased to have been introduced to A.T. ”
“I had about 12 sessions in Alexander Technique with Kate and am very happy to recommend her. Kate taught me a lot about posture, release of tension, and co-ordination of mind and body. She is very knowledgeable and followed up the sessions with useful handouts. I found her calm and gentle approach very helpful. ”
“... by the end of Monday, my leg was almost pain free. I don’t know what you did, but it has really helped free my back and leg.”
“It was difficult at first to adhere to your principles, particularly when I was trying to incorporate all that you advised simultaneously. However, my reflection in shop windows indicated that I was improving and I gradually improved my posture without necessarily concentrating on it. Friends and relations remarked upon the difference. But there were unexpected gains, too. A fiercely painful shoulder pain would arise if I walked too far. Now it threatens occasionally when I am able to ward it off. A back pain that I have suffered for decades occurs less frequently and is milder. All in all, I am grateful to have attended your classes and I hope that many more will seek your help.”
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”